PDF To Foundry

A project for importing PDF content from Paizo for Pathfinder 2E into the Foundry Virtual Tabletop system

Version 3.1.0 Released

note this post originally appeared on Patreon

Version 3.1.0 is out now.

New in this update is support for FoundryVTT v9. This is mostly working, except for a FoundryVTT v9 bug in which the token sizes aren't respected that I was unable to work around. So this means that a small token might appear as medium until you open the token's sheet and close it.

The following are the new content for this release:

  • Pathfinder Society Season 3-06 - Struck by Shadows
  • Pathfinder Society Season 3-07 - Locked Lodge
  • Bounty #16: Boom Town Betrayal
  • Bounty #17: Sodden Stories
  • RPG Day Adventure: Threshold of Knowledge

25 posts can be found in the archive.