PDF To Foundry

A project for importing PDF content from Paizo for Pathfinder 2E into the Foundry Virtual Tabletop system

Version 2.3.0 Released

note this post originally appeared on Patreon

Version 2.3.0 is now out.

New in this version is support for the new content Paizo released late August/early September:

  • Adventure Path module Strength of Thousands #2: Spoken on the Song Wind
  • Pathfinder Society Season 3-01 - Year of Shattered Sanctuaries
  • Pathfinder Society Intro 1 - The Second Confirmation
  • Pathfinder Society Intro 2 - United in Purpose

Additionally, this release has fixed some bugs including a missing map in 2-24, adding support for the Flip Mats for Troubles in Otari, and some workflow improvements for the SECRET FEATURE.

25 posts can be found in the archive.