PDF To Foundry

A project for importing PDF content from Paizo for Pathfinder 2E into the Foundry Virtual Tabletop system

Version 1.6.0 Released

note this post originally appeared on Patreon

I just released the 1.6.0 version of PDF to foundry. New in this version are:

  • Agents of Edgewatch #6 - Ruins of the Radiant Siege
  • Troubles in Otari
  • Menace Under Otari (Beginner Box adventure. The maps in the pdf kind of suck, so I recommend replacing them with the flip-mat version manually)
  • PFS 2-09 Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy
  • PFS 2-10 In Burning Dawn

Additionally, there are the following improvements

  • Images now save in webp instead of png, saving valuable space on your host and decreasing download times for loading scenes
  • When the import is complete, a chat message is created so you don't have to watch over the progress bar
  • Various fixes for missing text

25 posts can be found in the archive.